<aside> 🎉 Welcome to FYFY!

Thank you for signing up and joining our community of European thinkers and doers on a mission to use exponential technologies to create a better world. I'm thrilled to have you on board!

As a subscriber, you'll receive my personal curation of insights on health, wealth, wisdom, and love, all geared towards helping you reach your full potential. With the dbundance framework for disruptive thinking and doing, you'll learn how to approach challenges in new and innovative ways. And with the expert guidance of thought leaders like Peter Diamandis, Salim Ismail, Tim Ferriss, and Andrew Huberman, you'll be on the cutting edge of what's possible in today's world.

Don't forget to tell me a bit about yourself! Are you an entrepreneur? What do you work on? How did you learn about my newsletter? Anything you want to add? I'd love to get to know you and hear about your journey - send me a quick email.

Thanks again for joining FYFY. Let's make a difference in the world together!

Best, Dom


<aside> <img src="/icons/book_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/book_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> The latest editions:

FYFY #23-25

FYFY #23-24

FYFY #23-23


More Infos

Be Part of the Change: Join the FYFY Newsletter for Entrepreneurs and Builders

The why-how-what behind FYFY

🚧 The dbundance framework 🚧 


hackathon cheatsheet

All Editions

FYFY #23-25

FYFY #23-24

FYFY #23-23

FYFY #23-22

FYFY #23-21

FYFY #23-20

FYFY #23-19

FYFY #23-18

FYFY #23-16

FYFY #23-15

FYFY #23-14

FYFY #23-13

FYFY #23-12

FYFY #23-11

FYFY #23-10

FYFY #23-09

FYFY #23-08

FYFY #23-07

FYFY #23-06

FYFY #23-05

FYFY #23-04

FYFY #23-03

FYFY #23-02

FYFY #23-01

FYFY #22-25

FYFY #22-24

FYFY #22-23

FYFY #22-22

FYFY #22-21

FYFY #22-20

FYFY #22-19

FYFY #22-18

FYFY #22-17

FYFY #22-16

FYFY #22-15

FYFY #22-14

FYFY #22-13

FYFY #22-12

FYFY #22-11

FYFY #22-10

FYFY #22-09

FYFY #22-08

FYFY #22-07

FYFY #22-06

FYFY #22-05

FYFY #22-04

FYFY #22-03

FYFY #22-02

The first edition, FYFY Edition #22-01