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Hello everyone,
and welcome back. How was your summer? Have you gone out and explored the world? Visited old friends? Or made new ones? Whatever you did, I hope you were able to keep a positive mindset amidst all the CNN (constantly negative news. If you ever wondered what CNN really stood for. It’s applicable for most media channels, too).
Well, first, you might have noticed, that my break from writing these editions was longer than expected. Sorry for the wait folks. Our four weeks in Spain directly merged into two weeks of Wiesn in Rosenheim 🍻, so let’s say I had to overcome some (ok, a lot) resistance in order to sit down and ship stuff.
Yet, the break, on the other side, has sparked my desire to create. I felt that it was time to switch gears and turn pro as an entrepreneur as well as an investor. To do so, I needed to step my game up and get out of my comfort zone. As this is first and foremost a blog about personal development, I’d like to share with you some of the learnings and the struggles I was (and still am) facing while “turning pro” and starting something new.
So the theme for the next 12 weeks until new year’s eve 2022 will be: How to purposefully design your life around a big, bold and scary goal and use this guiding star to focus on what matters most while cutting away the noise and distraction.
This weeks edition will start with a review of my last quarter. I’ll share my lessons learned. And how they have helped me spark the desire and energy to create, as well as channeling these two powerful forces into was matters most (focus). Plus how to create habits that help you show up and do the work. Day in, day out (persistence).
Ready? Ok, let’s go.
That’s it for today. This one has turned out to be quite a piece. Puh. Yet it felt really good putting it together, so I really hope you enjoy it and find it help full, too. And we’ll get back into the groove of the shorter and more spicer editions in the following weeks to come.
Till then, live life to the fullest ❤️.
To your future you,