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This week is packed with topics I personally care a lot about, so I’m excited to share my findings with you. Today we’ll learn about our biology, capitalism, exponential technologies and the circular economy. So, without further ado:
That’s it, thanks for staying with me. We touched upon the mysterious Wnt pathways as a potential way for reversing aging, the principles behind the changing world order and the importance of creating equal-opportunity. Both topics are incredible wast and we merely scratched the surface. Want to dig deeper? If you’re short in time and have only 15min to spare this weekend, I’ll recommend you listen to Ray Dalio’s interview.
In contrast, the 6D framework from Peter Diamandis is something you will see again and again once you start looking for it. And it will lead us to more on Kevin Kelly next week. So stay tuned. Until then, I’ll leave you with spring cleaning your book shelf ;) Have fun learning, growing and relaxing.
To your future you,